Outdoor Fitness Group



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Dubai Internet City Amphitheater

29 Mar from 07:30 between 30 minutes and 2 hours

  • 💪 What: Outdoor Fitness
  • 📌 Where: Media City
  • 🕘 When: Every Saturday morning
  • 🫰 How much: FREE
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UrbanTribe.dxb is a free outdoor fitness group aiming to bring like-minded people together. They welcome all fitness levels and provide welcoming, helpful, and qualified trainers, upbeat music, and two hours of holistic fitness, including warmup, animal flow, HIT, core, yoga, and Wim Hof breathing.

The group meets at the Dubai Internet City Amphitheater, and a one-time registration form is required.

The group also has a WhatsApp group. https://chat.whatsapp.com/JSYvfmlxnNhEc1oQQCtJ7q

Requirements and tips

Participants should bring water, suncream, and (optional) a yoga mat.


Source: instagram.com/UrbanTribe.dxb

Registration: linktr.ee/urbantribedxb


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